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"Terminator of Topics" - How to Change the Conversation As someone who always manages to bring a conversation to a dead end, I have been dubbed the "Terminator of Topics." It's not that I enjoy being the killjoy in a discussion, but I find it difficult to keep the flow going. However, I have learned that with a few adjustments, it is possible to change the conversation and become a more engaging conversationalist. First of all, it is important to recognize that certain topics are better suited for certain situations. For instance, talking about politics or religion may not be appropriate during a casual social gathering. Keeping the context in mind can help prevent the conversation from turning awkward. Another crucial point to note is that listening is just as important as speaking. By genuinely listening to what the other person has to say, it becomes easier to understand their perspective and engage them further. Asking open-ended questions can also help steer the conversation towards a more interesting topic. Adding personal anecdotes or humor can also make the discussion more engaging. Sharing a funny or relatable story can create a sense of camaraderie and help break down barriers between people. Humor also makes the conversation more lively and enjoyable for everyone involved. Finally, acknowledging and respecting differing opinions is essential for any productive conversation. Even if one strongly disagrees with what is being said, it is important to express one's views politely and with respect. When people feel that their opinions are being heard and validated, they are more likely to engage in the conversation. In conclusion, being a conversation "Terminator" may be a tough reputation to shake off, but it is possible to become a more engaging conversationalist by keeping the context in mind, listening actively, adding personal anecdotes, and acknowledging differing opinions. With these changes, any conversation can become more lively and enjoyable for all involved.



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