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In the star sign world, it seems that Taurus is the ruling force in the United Kingdom. This earth sign is represented by the bull, which is fitting as Taurians are known for their stubbornness and determination. Those born under this sign are said to be practical, reliable and trustworthy. They are often considered to be the rock in any relationship, always there to provide support and stability. Taurians are also known to have a deep love for nature and beauty, with many enjoying gardening and other outdoor activities. When it comes to career paths, Taurians are drawn to roles that provide security and stability. They have a strong work ethic and are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get the job done. Common career choices for Taurians include finance, law, real estate and banking. In matters of romance, Taurians are loyal and devoted partners. They value stability and security and will always prioritize their loved ones. However, they can also be possessive and jealous at times, which can put a strain on their relationships. Despite their love of routine and predictability, Taurians are not immune to change. They just prefer to take their time and think things through before making any big decisions. This cautious approach can sometimes be mistaken for indecisiveness, but Taurians know that slow and steady wins the race. In the end, whether or not Taurians truly dominate the star sign charts in the UK is up for debate. But there is no denying that their practical and trustworthy nature is well-suited to the British way of life.



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