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L.E.O. – The Lion Amongst the Zodiacs L.E.O. stands for the mighty and powerful sign of the zodiac – Leo. Known for their fierce and confident nature, Leo-born individuals are born leaders and are ruled by the sun – the center of the universe. Leos are known for their charisma and magnetic personalities, and they love being the center of attention. They have a natural flair for drama and theatrics, thanks to their ruling planet. They thrive on compliments and adore being appreciated for their talents and abilities. Leos are also known for their generosity and kindness. They have a big heart and are always willing to help those in need. They are fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones and will go to great lengths to defend and support them. When it comes to work, Leos have an innate need for accomplishment and recognition. They have a strong work ethic and aren't afraid to take charge and lead the team. They are often attracted to jobs that allow them to be creative and use their natural talents and abilities. Like their animal counterpart, the lion, Leos have an unwavering sense of pride and courage. They are not afraid of taking on challenges and will never back down from a fight. Their confidence and determination are admirable, and they inspire others to be brave and fearless. In conclusion, L.E.O. – the lion amongst the zodiacs – is a sign that exudes power, confidence, and strength. They are natural leaders who lead with their hearts and inspire others to be the best they can be. With their magnetic personalities and big hearts, Leos leave an indelible mark on everyone they come across.



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