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Capricorn, also known as the mountain goat, is the tenth sign of the zodiac. People born between December 22nd and January 19th are considered to be Capricorns. This earth sign is known for its hardworking, practical, and disciplined nature, which helps them achieve their goals and make progress in their lives. Capricorns are ambitious and determined individuals, who place a great deal of importance on their careers and financial stability. They are focused and goal-oriented, and are not afraid to put in the hard work and long hours needed to achieve success. Capricorns often have a strong sense of responsibility and duty, and take their commitments seriously. However, while Capricorns are known for their no-nonsense approach to life, they also have a softer side. They are loyal and dependable friends and partners, who value relationships that are built on trust and mutual respect. Capricorns are often reserved and cautious when it comes to opening up to others, but once they do, they are incredibly devoted and caring. While Capricorns might seem, at times, to be serious and stern, they also have a strong sense of humor and a playful side. They are known for their dry wit and can often surprise others with their unexpected sense of humor. In terms of their weaknesses, Capricorns can sometimes be too focused on their work and goals, and may neglect their relationships and personal lives. They can also be prone to being overly critical of themselves and others, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Overall, Capricorns are driven individuals who are dedicated to achieving their goals and building a secure and stable life for themselves and their loved ones. While they may have their flaws and weaknesses, their practical nature, loyalty, and sense of responsibility make them valued members of society, both personally and professionally.



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