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Capricorn – A Name of Higher Purpose The name Capricorn is synonymous with ambition, steadfastness and a strong sense of purpose. It belongs to men who are driven to succeed in all aspects of life – be it in their professional or personal pursuits. The Capricorn male is well-known for his no-nonsense, practical approach to life, and his unwavering determination to achieve his goals. The name itself is derived from the Latin term 'capra cornu' which means 'horned goat'. This connects with the symbol of the Capricorn sign in the astrological chart which is represented by a mythical creature that is half-goat and half-fish. This zodiac sign is associated with goals, ambition, and determination – all traits that perfectly describe the Capricorn man. The Capricorn male is a born leader who has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve in life. He is practical, intelligent, and focused, which makes him a force to be reckoned with in any domain he chooses to excel in. His sense of responsibility and dedication to his work is unparalleled, which ensures that he is always at the top of his game. Furthermore, the Capricorn male's work ethic is outstanding, and he is willing to put in the hard yards, day in and day out, to achieve his goals. He is not afraid of challenges, as he knows that every obstacle presents an opportunity to learn and grow. His resilience and persistence are truly remarkable and he never gives up on his dreams, even in the face of adversity. In conclusion, the name Capricorn is a testament to the highest standards of excellence, drive and ambition. Men who possess this name are destined for greatness, as they possess a keen mind, a strong work ethic and unwavering determination. They are leaders who inspire others to follow in their footsteps, and they will go to great lengths to achieve their goals. This name truly reflects the character of the Capricorn male and all he stands for.



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