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Can You Be Friends with a Taurus? Have you ever met a Taurus? They're born between April 20th and May 20th and are represented by the bull. So, what's it like to be friends with a Taurus? First of all, Taurus are known for being one of the most practical and reliable signs of the zodiac. They're hard-working, down-to-earth individuals who value stability and security in life. When it comes to friendship, this means that they're likely to be dependable and trustworthy friends who will always be there for you when you need them. Taurus are also known for their love of luxury and comfort. They enjoy the finer things in life and are willing to spend money on things they feel are worth it. This means that they may suggest going to fancy restaurants or buying expensive gifts for their friends. However, they're also incredibly generous and will often go out of their way to make sure their friends are taken care of. On the downside, Taurus can sometimes be stubborn and inflexible. They have a tendency to get stuck in their ways and can be resistant to change. If you're looking for a friend who is spontaneous and always up for trying new things, a Taurus may not be the best fit for you. Additionally, Taurus can be quite possessive and jealous. They tend to have a small circle of close friends and may get upset if they feel like their friends are spending too much time with others. In conclusion, whether or not you can be friends with a Taurus really depends on your personality and what you're looking for in a friend. If you value loyalty, reliability, and comfort, then a Taurus could be a great friend for you. However, if you're looking for someone who is more adventurous and open-minded, you may need to look elsewhere.



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