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Leo – The Majestic Lion Leo, the fifth astrological sign in the zodiac, symbolizes the majestic and powerful lion. Represented by a lion, this sign is known for its courage, strength, and leadership qualities. Leos are born between July 23 and August 22, and they are ruled by the sun. Leos are known to be confident, dominant, and passionate individuals who radiate positivity and good energy. They love the spotlight and are natural performers and entertainers. They have a magnetic personality and are often the life of the party. Leos also have a creative streak and are great at expressing themselves through various forms of art. However, Leos can also be arrogant and stubborn at times. They are known for their fiercely independent nature and can sometimes come across as self-centered. Despite this, Leos are loyal and protective individuals who care deeply about their loved ones. Leos thrive in careers that allow them to utilize their leadership skills, such as management, entrepreneurship, and politics. They are also drawn to careers in the performing arts, such as acting and music. In love, Leos are passionate and romantic partners who seek a strong emotional bond with their significant other. They are generous and love to shower their loved ones with gifts and affection. In conclusion, the Leo sign represents the majestic and confident lion who is a natural leader and lover of the spotlight. While they can sometimes be stubborn and self-centered, Leos are loyal and protective of their loved ones and thrive in careers that allow them to utilize their leadership skills.



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