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Why is Cancer the Zodiac Sign Called Cancer in English? Cancer is one of the twelve zodiac signs in astrology and is represented by the symbol of a crab. In English, Cancer refers to a type of malignant tumor that grows uncontrollably, but the zodiac sign has a much different origin. According to mythology, the giant crab Karkinos was sent by the goddess Hera to distract Hercules during his battle with a multi-headed hydra. The crab attacked Hercules, but he quickly disposed of it with a swift kick. As a reward for his victory, Hera placed the crab in the stars, where it became the constellation of Cancer. The word "cancer" comes from the Latin term for crab, hence the connection to the zodiac sign. However, the disease known as cancer did not receive its name until much later. While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that one's astrological sign has any impact on health, some people still believe in the power of astrology and take their zodiac sign seriously. In conclusion, the reason why Cancer is called Cancer in English is due to its connection to the constellation of the crab, which was named after the mythical creature that battled Hercules. Despite the similarity in name, there is no correlation between the zodiac sign and the medical condition known as cancer.



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