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Gemini – The Social Butterfly Gemini is one of the most sociable zodiac signs. They are known for their excellent communication skills, intellectual curiosity, and witty sense of humor. Born between May 21st and June 20th, Gemini individuals have the unique ability to adapt to any situation and make friends wherever they go. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intelligence, and quick thinking. As a result, Gemini people possess an active mind and enjoy learning about various topics. They have a natural gift for conversation and can talk to anyone about anything. Whether at a party or in a business meeting, Gemini shines in social situations. Despite their sociable nature, Gemini can sometimes be indecisive and fickle. They tend to have a variety of interests and can quickly move on from one thing to the next. This can make it difficult for others to keep up with their ever-changing interests. However, Gemini has a positive outlook on life and loves to experience new things. In relationships, Gemini tends to be flirtatious and playful. They are attracted to individuals who are intelligent, humorous, and mentally stimulating. However, commitment can be a challenge for Gemini as they may feel trapped or confined in a long-term relationship. Overall, Gemini is a dynamic and exciting sign to be around. They bring a sense of lightheartedness and enthusiasm to any situation. With their ability to connect with others on a deep level, Gemini is sure to leave a mark on anyone they encounter.



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