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Gemini is the astrological sign for people born between May 21 and June 20. It is symbolized by the twins, which reflects the dual nature of this sign. Geminis are known for their wit, charm, and intellectual curiosity. People born under this sign are known for their love of communication. They are great conversationalists and are always up for a good debate. Geminis are very social creatures and enjoy being around others. They are also known for their adaptability and ability to fit into any situation. Geminis are highly intelligent and have a great thirst for knowledge. They enjoy learning new things and are always seeking out new experiences. They are quick learners and have great mental agility. However, they can also be indecisive at times, as they tend to see both sides of any given situation. In relationships, Geminis are charming and affectionate. They are great at expressing themselves and love to shower their partners with attention. However, they can also be a bit restless and may struggle with commitment. They need a partner who can keep up with their ever-changing interests and moods. Career-wise, Geminis excel in fields that require communication and creativity. They make great writers, journalists, and public speakers. They also do well in business, as they have great networking skills and are able to adapt to changes in the market. Overall, Geminis are a fascinating sign with many unique qualities. They are social, intelligent, and adaptable, making them great friends and partners. If you know a Gemini, consider yourself lucky – they will keep you entertained and on your toes!



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