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The Traits of Taurus: Dependable, Patient and Loyal Taurus is the second of the twelve zodiac signs, and people born between April 20 and May 20 belong to this star sign. Taurus is an earth sign, which influences its personality traits and characteristics. Here are some of the key traits that describe Taurus. Dependable: Taurus is known for being reliable and trustworthy. They are diligent workers, who take their responsibilities seriously and are always willing to lend a helping hand. Taurians are considered to be the backbone of any team, and they are trusted to get the job done to the best of their abilities. Patient: Taurus has a reputation for being patient and calm under pressure. They are not prone to quick bursts of anger or frustration and can often be counted on to be the voice of reason during heated discussions. Taurus is willing to wait for things to happen and will work towards their goals with determination and focus. Loyal: Taurus is fiercely loyal to their loved ones, and they will always stand by those who they consider to be their family and friends. They are extremely protective of their closest relationships and will go to great lengths to ensure that their loved ones are safe and happy. In addition to these traits, Taurus is also known for being stubborn and set in their ways. While this can be seen as a negative trait, it’s also what makes Taurus so reliable. They are resolute in their beliefs and will stick to their guns, even when their opinion isn’t popular. Taurus is also known for having an appreciation for the finer things in life. They enjoy the comforts of home, good food, and the indulgence of luxury items. They are often drawn to quality over quantity and are not afraid to invest in items that they believe will stand the test of time. Overall, Taurus is a dependable, patient and loyal star sign with an eye for quality and a strong sense of family. While they can be stubborn, their reliability and trustworthiness more than make up for it.



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