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The Traits of Taurus: Steadfast and Sensual People born between April 20 and May 20 are under the zodiac sign of Taurus. Symbolized by the bull, Taurus represents strength, determination, and resilience. Those who identify as Tauruses are known for their steadfastness and sensual nature. One of the most defining traits of a Taurus is their stubbornness. They are determined to see their goals through to the end, and will not easily back down from a challenge. This unwavering dedication can sometimes make them seem inflexible, but it also means that they are extremely reliable. Trustworthy and dependable, Tauruses are often the go-to people when a task needs to be completed. Tauruses also have a deep appreciation for the beauty in life, and this is reflected in their love for aesthetics and luxury. They value comfort and indulgence, and are often drawn to material possessions that bring them pleasure. This does not mean, however, that they are shallow or materialistic. Rather, they are simply attracted to things that make them feel good. Another key characteristic of a Taurus is their sensuality. They have a strong connection to their physical bodies, and enjoy pleasure in all forms. This can manifest in a love for food, music, and other sensory experiences. Tauruses are also known for their strong sexual energy and desire for intimacy. In terms of their relationships, Tauruses are loyal and devoted partners. They crave stability and security in their romantic connections, and are often willing to put in the effort to build a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship. Overall, Tauruses are a grounded and dependable presence in the lives of those around them. Their strength, sensuality, and loyalty make them valued members of any community.



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