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The Planets of Leo Leo is ruled by the Sun, but it is also influenced by other celestial bodies that orbit around it. As the fiery and passionate sign of the zodiac, Leo has a powerful energy that is enhanced by the planets that govern it. First and foremost, the Sun represents Leo’s identity and essence. It empowers this sign with confidence, ambition, and a sense of purpose. Leo is a natural leader who likes to take charge and bask in the spotlight, and the Sun’s energy fuels this desire. Mars is another planet that resonates strongly with Leo. This fiery planet governs action, courage, and competition, all of which are characteristics that Leo embodies. When Mars is in Leo, this sign’s competitive spirit is heightened, and they become more focused on achieving their goals. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and it has a big influence on Leo’s generosity and iconic personality. When Jupiter is in Leo, this sign becomes more optimistic and outgoing. They may also be prone to overindulgence and excess, but they have a big heart and love to share their abundance with others. Saturn is a more complex planet that can sometimes limit Leo’s natural exuberance. It represents structure, discipline, and responsibility, which can sometimes be at odds with Leo’s desire for freedom and spontaneity. However, Saturn can also help Leo focus their energy and commit to long-term goals. Finally, Uranus is the planet of innovation and change. It can inspire Leo to think outside the box and embrace new ideas. However, Uranus can also be unpredictable, which can be challenging for Leo’s need for stability and control. Overall, Leo’s planets contribute to their dynamic and charismatic nature. From the Sun’s empowering essence to Uranus’s unpredictable spark, each planet adds its own flavor to this iconic sign.



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