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Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is represented by a bull and has the English code of "TAU". The symbol of the bull reflects the characteristics of this sign, which include strength, determination, and stability. People born between April 20 and May 20 fall under the sign of Taurus. Taureans are known for their practicality, reliability, and hardworking nature. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are often viewed as dependable and trustworthy individuals. They tend to have a calm and collected demeanor, but when provoked, they can display a stubborn and bullish behavior. Taureans value material possessions and appreciate the finer things in life. They have a keen eye for beauty and enjoy spending their time in peaceful environments. In terms of relationships, Taureans are loyal and committed partners. They prefer stability and security in their romantic relationships and often take things slow. Once they are in a relationship, they are devoted and expect the same level of commitment from their partner. However, they can become possessive and jealous if they feel their partner is not giving them enough attention. In their careers, Taureans excel in jobs that allow them to utilize their organizational skills and attention to detail. They have a natural talent for managing finances and are often successful in careers related to finance, banking, and accounting. They can also be successful in creative fields, using their eye for beauty and love for material possessions in areas such as interior design and fashion. Overall, Taureans are steady and reliable individuals who value stability and security. While they can exhibit stubborn behavior at times, they are also known for their kind and loving nature. Whether it's in their personal relationships or their careers, Taureans tend to be successful due to their practicality and hardworking nature.



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