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Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is a grounded and practical earth sign. Those born under this sign are known for their steadfastness, reliability, and patience. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Taureans also have a strong appreciation for the finer things in life. People born under this sign are often called "bulls" due to their determined and persistent nature. They have a strong work ethic and are not ones to give up easily. However, this can sometimes lead to stubbornness and an unwillingness to change their ways. Despite their reputation for being slow-moving, Taureans have a deep appreciation for luxury and comfort. They are sensual beings who enjoy pleasure in all its forms, from good food to massages to soft blankets. They have a great eye for style and design, and often have a knack for creating beautiful spaces. In relationships, Taurus is a loyal and devoted partner. They take their time in selecting a mate and once they commit, they are in it for the long haul. However, they can be possessive and jealous at times, and may struggle to let go of past hurts. Taureans are ruled by their senses, and this can sometimes lead to indulgence in food, drink, or other sensual pleasures. They need to be mindful of their tendencies towards overindulgence and find balance in their lives. Overall, those born under the sign of Taurus are reliable, loyal, and sensual individuals who have a deep appreciation for beauty and comfort. They may be slow to change and sometimes stubborn, but their steadfastness and perseverance make them a valuable asset to any team or relationship.



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