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Virgo is one of the 12 constellations and is represented by a maiden. People born under this sign are known for their practicality, attention to detail, and love for order and cleanliness. When it comes to female Virgos, they are often intelligent, analytical, and highly intuitive. In this article, we will learn more about some popular English names for girl Virgos and what they signify. 1. Ava – This name means "like a bird" and is usually a popular choice for girls born under the Virgo zodiac. The name Ava signifies independence, vision, and creativity. Those who bear this name are often very determined and goal-oriented. 2. Sophia – This name means "wisdom" or "knowledge" and is a common choice for parents who want to bless their Virgo daughters with intelligence and analytical abilities. Girls with this name tend to be highly perceptive, insightful, and often possess innate intuition and foresight. 3. Alice – This name means "noble" or "kind" and is a fitting option for girls born under the sign of Virgo, as they are known for their down-to-earth and helpful nature. Those with this name are often very practical and strive to find solutions to problems. 4. Lily – This name means "pure" and is a good choice for girls born under the Virgo zodiac. Virgo females with this name tend to have a natural elegance and grace, as well as a deep sense of ethics and morality. 5. Emma – This name is derived from the Germanic word "ermen", meaning "whole" or "universal". Girls with this name tend to be highly organized, disciplined, and possess a strong sense of responsibility. They often make good leaders and have a strong sense of justice and fairness. Whether it's Ava, Sophia, Alice, Lily, or Emma - each of these names signifies different traits and characteristics that reflect the unique qualities of Virgo females. Overall, female Virgos are known for their intelligence, practicality, and attention to detail. They possess a strong work ethic and tend to be perfectionists who are committed to achieving their goals. With their innate intuition and analytical abilities, girls born under this zodiac sign possess strong leadership qualities that can help them excel in their personal and professional lives.



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