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Is Destiny Predetermined? The concept of destiny has always been a topic of interest among people. Some believe that our lives are predetermined by a higher power, while others argue that we have complete freedom of choice. The debate over whether destiny is predetermined remains unresolved. Many argue that destiny is predetermined by a higher power. According to this belief, everything that happens in our lives, whether good or bad, is meant to be. The idea that our lives are predetermined by a higher power gives people a sense of comfort and control. It helps people to believe that their lives have meaning and purpose. However, it is hard to prove that destiny is predetermined, as there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. On the other hand, some believe that we have complete freedom of choice, and that our lives are not predetermined. This belief emphasizes the importance of our actions and decisions. According to this belief, we create our own destiny through the choices we make in life. It gives people a sense of responsibility and empowerment, as they believe that they have control over their lives. However, this belief can also be challenging, as it puts the burden of responsibility entirely on the individual. In reality, the truth about destiny may lie somewhere in between. While there may be factors that influence our lives, such as genetics or upbringing, we also have the power to make choices and change our outcomes. The idea of destiny being predetermined may help people find meaning and comfort in their lives, but it should not be used as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. In conclusion, whether destiny is predetermined or not remains a mystery. It is up to each individual to decide what they believe. It is important to remember that we have the power to make choices in our lives, and that each choice we make can have an impact on our future. The belief that our lives have a predetermined path may provide comfort, but it should not be relied upon as a means of avoiding personal responsibility.



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